I know, I know – a made bed really looks good and adds a desirable touch of e’clat that you wish to project in your domicile. After all, BEING clean isn’t all you are looking for when you clean your home or – an even better idea – use the services of Accent Maid Service to clean your home. You also want your home to LOOK cared for and clean.
This blog entry addresses another life form that you have in your home but about which you might not have heard: the slime mold. And it addresses how the dust mite and slime mold might unintentionally collude to make your house less clean.
in that last installment I suggested that air cleaners were an ideal way to clean the air and thus help keep your house clean by capturing much of that dust. As described in that installment I became interested in the question when my wife began having significant upper respiratory issues that suggested that the air was not clean enough. Which is to say she sneezed and wheezed. Made it hard to hear the television. So I looked for and found several air cleaners that have since been part of our successfully addressing the clean air problem.
Regular visits by one of the reputable house cleaning services such as Accent Maid Service, of course – thirty-three years in business and going strong - go a long way towards keeping your home in tip-top shape. But there are a variety of housekeeping activities that you can do in between our home cleaning visits to maintain your home and make the freshness of a cleaning last longer. I plan on touching on a variety of these things that you can do in future blog entries. For now, let’s address one of the easiest things that you can do: keep your air as clean as possible.
When hiring a subcontractor it is hard for the subcontractor to set a standard for the client. It is difficult to be consistent and set the standard of clean. A cleaning service trains their employees to be consistent cleaners. If you are hiring a cleaning service on a regular basis than a company may be the best route. If it is a one time job than a subcontractor may benefit your needs. A company can keep your preferences written down so you aren't required to mention these more than one time. If you are consistently hiring a subcontractor you may have to constantly express how you prefer things to be cleaned around your home.