You love your pets. For most people, they’re a part of the family. Yet as much as you enjoy having a dog for your kids to run around with outside, or a cat to snuggle up on your lap on a cold night, they can make keeping your home clean an ongoing challenge. At Accent Maid Service, we suggest the following tips to reduce your house cleaning concerns:
I know, I know – a made bed really looks good and adds a desirable touch of e’clat that you wish to project in your domicile. After all, BEING clean isn’t all you are looking for when you clean your home or – an even better idea – use the services of Accent Maid Service to clean your home. You also want your home to LOOK cared for and clean.
Regular visits by one of the reputable house cleaning services such as Accent Maid Service, of course – thirty-three years in business and going strong - go a long way towards keeping your home in tip-top shape. But there are a variety of housekeeping activities that you can do in between our home cleaning visits to maintain your home and make the freshness of a cleaning last longer. I plan on touching on a variety of these things that you can do in future blog entries. For now, let’s address one of the easiest things that you can do: keep your air as clean as possible.
When selling a house there are many steps you have to take in order to put the house in tip-top shape. When you have lived in a home for a long time, it can be hard to think of everything a buyer will see and look for when they walk into a home. Take the cleanliness factor out of the equation before an Open House or Showing. Hire a cleaning service to make your home appealing and let the potential buyer imagine themselves in the home.
Hiring a maid service can be complicated, but it is important to do your research before choosing the correct cleaning company for you! Here are 10 ways to evaluate a cleaning service before hiring them